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Game Instructions

Learn how to play the game and gain the most points from your cases.

Game Instructions

When you have been given a case to work on from your player HQ screen you will be given a selection of phrases that you need to make decisions about. The simplest decision is whether a phrase has been mentioned before, for example a document that describes the history of America is likely to have many phrases referring to "Barack Obama". Phrases including "he", "him", "I" and "the president" could all refer to "Barack Obama". Your job is link these phrases together.

Each phrase may presented in one of two game modes. In Name the Culprit you make a decision on the phrase. In Detectives Conference you see another player's decision and you must agree or disagree with them.

The amount of points you score will depend on how many phrases you complete, how many of your decisions match other players and how many other players agree with your decisions.

Game Mode 1: Name The Culprit

Has the phrase shown in orange been mentioned before in this text or is it a property? Use your mouse to select the closest phrase(s) if it has been mentioned before.

Game Mode 2: Detectives Conference

Another detective has made a decision about the phrase, either that it refers to another phrase, it has not been mentioned before, it is a property or it does not refer to anything. Do you agree with them?

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information about the game and how it works have a look on the FAQ page

What is the purpose of the game?

Phrase Detectives is a "Game with a Purpose", meaning that the data we collect will be used to help improve for you. Find out more about the project on the About pages. computer systems. The data will be used to train anaphora resolution systems that can be used to improve text summarisation and search engine indexing, which will ultimately lead to a better Web experience

Who should play the game?

The game is aimed at English and/or Italian readers of all ages. Read the instructions and complete the training tasks to get a good idea of what you need to do.
You can also adjust your settings to change the difficulty level of texts you will be given. If you are a native English speaker then "medium" is usually the best setting.

What are the prizes?

Phrase Detectives is offering prizes for the best players. Prizes will be emailed to the winner so you must include your email address on the settings page to be eligible to win a prize.

Only players who have played the game during the prize period will be entered for each draw. The winner's work will be inspected for quality by a panel of expert annotators. Players with work deemed to be automated or of very poor quality will be disqualified. The judges decision is final.
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Game stats

612 documents completed

The most recent was The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - The Adventure of the Speckled Band (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) completed by anagram on 09 Nov 2023

The last document to be worked on was Evolution (Wikipedia) by magoogy