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Detectives Conference

As detectives set to work solving the case, the best brains in the department gather together to review their decisions.

You sift through the work of other detectives, but do you agree with them?

Detectives Conference tasks

In the Detectives Conference you are given a decision made by another detective and you must either agree or disagree with it.

Your score is based on how many other detectives also agree with this decision and you will be awarded agreement points.

If you disagree with the decision you will be asked to enter what you think is the correct decision in Name the Culprit.

Examples of incorrect decisions

The following are examples of incorrect decisions made by other detectives. You should disagree with their decision and correct it.

Sherlink Holmes went to the shop. He got some tobacco for his pipe.

The phrase in orange does not refer to the phrase in blue.

Watson went to the shop. He got some tobacco for his pipe.

The phrase in green does not refer to a property of the phrase in blue.

Holmes was a great detective.

The phrase in green is not a property, it is an object.

The door was solid but it was unlocked.

The phrase in yellow is not non-referring, it refers to "the door" in the earlier part of the text.

Examples that are correct

The following are examples of correct decisons made by other detectives. You should agree with them for maximum points.

Sherlink Holmes had a hunch that he was right.

The word in orange has not been mentioned before.

Sherlink Holmes went to the shop. He got some tobacco for his pipe.

The word in orange refers to the phrase in blue.

Holmes said he was hungry so he went to the shop.

The phrase in blue is the closest correct phrase to the phrase in orange.

Holmes and Watson thought they should go home.

The phrases in blue is the closest correct phrases to the phrase in orange.

There was no evidence of foul play.

The phrase in yellow does not refer to anything so is non-referring.

Sherlink Holmes is the World Famous Detective who always gets his man.

The phrase in green is a property of the phrase in blue.

What are agreement points?

If the phrase has several different decisions then other detectives will be asked what they think in Detectives Conference. If they agree with you then you will be awarded an agreement points.

I agreed with the decision. Why didn't I get many points?

In this case it is likely that the decision was not agreed with by many other detectives. You score more points the more your decisions agree with other detectives.

I disagreed with the decision. Why do I have to redo the decision?

We would like you to correct the decision, this will score you agreement points in the future if detectives agree with you.
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Position 1 in the player all time leaderboardlaraeule6253
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612 documents completed

The most recent was The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - The Adventure of the Speckled Band (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) completed by anagram on 09 Nov 2023

The last document to be worked on was Farthest South (Wikipedia) by laraeule